Behaviour Basics for NQTs
Good teaching engages children and reduces negative behaviours. We know the theory on how to engage children and support their learning. However, the reality can be very challenging. It is a strength to want to reconsider your approaches and review your impact on learning and progress. There are many things you can do to increase your confidence and it can begin with training and the opportunity for honest review. What does good engaged behaviour look like?
OFSTED and school based evidence proves that constant low level disruption is a barrier to good progress. Children need effective rules, routines and boundaries within an environment of positive relationships. Establishing those things can be bewildering at times. We know that a consistent approach is key to improvement. Children need fair but firm and to know where they stand and how much you like them by your consideration and actions.
The teacher needs to be confidently in control of classroom management. At times it feels the children are taking control and the balance can become uncomfortable. Children need structure and routine but balanced with novelty to keep them engaged.
The classroom environment which you create has a direct impact on progress. Your positive relationship with children is a crucial element of a learning climate.
Participants will:
Look at how to manage and improve low level disruption through a plan and review approach.
Consider the most important routines of the day and how to consistently manage them.
Consider the classroom management strategies which put you in control.
Look at how your body language and intonation can improve the learning climate.
Consider how the children know you like them.
Your school or chosen venue