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In school observation, support and advice 

For schools and staff with very challenging children and young people in class or around the school. Minimum half day in school for discussions and observation. Considering recent and current regular behaviour and support strategies in place. Discussions with parents or carers in school if necessary as part of the visit.  Aiming to get a clear picture of the individual child's needs in school. 


Suggestions and advice offered to improve the situation for the child and meet their needs. Verbal feedback and advice given followed by a detailed written report. Factual details of the observation and summary of discussions, with suggested actions suggested and ways forward. Reports are emailed to the Headteacher or senco within one week. 



Half day in school support with detailed report and recommendations £350. 


Learning Walk
Focused on Behaviour, Ethos and
Relationships in school  

Commissioned by the schools Leadership team. The Learning walk / audit can look at areas of the Ofsted (Or Estyn) framework around engagement, well being and positive learning behaviour. It can be requested to site areas for improvement and a sense of school culture around children's needs and behaviour. It should support the schools development plan. Short lesson observations can be made to all classes and evidence will be collated. Looking at engagement ; pace of lessons, positive learning environment, active learning and positive relationships. Unstructured time is also observed and children's attitude and conduct around the building. Evidence is noted and a detailed report made with recommendations for any development areas.

Verbal feedback to SLT on the day.

Half day learning walk with detailed report  £350. 
Full day learning walk with detailed report £500 
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